Welcome to Headway Bath & District
Providing specialist relief, cognitive rehabilitation, and support to adults who have suffered an acquired brain injury (through accident, trauma and injury), along with their family and carers.

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Day Centre Activities

Activity Day

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Our Services
We are affiliated to Headway – the Brain Injury Association. However we operate as a local service provider and hold our own registered charity status (#1207519).
Client Comments
Referrals are usually made by health or social care professionals, but we also accept referrals from carers, family members, as well as self-referrals.
We support adults over 18+ years who live in Bath and North East Somerset, or North Wiltshire. We are not usually able to support those with progressive neurological conditions (such as Alzheimer's, Dementia, Parkinson's), but are happy to advise and signpost to other, more appropriate services.
Click the button below to visit our referral page and learn more.